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Larkfields Infant School

(0115) 9137730

Pupil Premium

Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.


The Pupil Premium is funding allocated to schools for the specific purpose of boosting the attainment of pupils from low-income families. Funding is based on children who are registered for Free School Meals (FSM) or have been registered for FSM within the last 6 years, and children that have been Looked After by the Local Authority for more than six months.


Why was it introduced?


The Government believes that the Pupil Premium, which is additional to main school funding, is the best way to address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) and their wealthier peers by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most. Schools are free to allocate the money to the initiatives they feel will best ensure their pupils reach their full potential, both academically and socially.


All infant children now receive Universal Infant Free School Meals but if you think your child may be eligible for Pupil Premium Funding because of your family’s level of income, please contact the school office, (in confidence), to discuss registering and follow the instruction below. The Pupil Premium funding will then be used to support your child in achieving their full potential.


Pupil Premium Statement 2023-24




You can register for Pupil Premium Funding by following the instructions:-


Follow the link below to Nottinghamshire County Council - Free School Meals and Milk page then scroll down to Register and Apply, this will take you to the Citizen's Portal where you can apply.

If you do not have access to the internet or if you have any problems please call into the office and speak to Mrs Allen or Mrs Maltby.




Being the Best That We can Be
