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Larkfields Infant School

(0115) 9137730


SEN at Larkfields Infant School

"We all belong to the Larkfields Family"


Our Inclusion Statement -

At Larkfields Infant School we pride ourselves on creating a warm and welcoming environment where everyone belongs and thrives. We recognise that all children are unique, and we provide high quality, meaningful education to ensure every child has the opportunity to succeed and fulfil their full potential.


We are fully inclusive and never discriminate in admissions based on special educational needs or disability.


Every child is valued and each child’s rich diversity is celebrated, SEN (Special Educational Needs) and EAL (English as an Additional Language) pupils and parents have a valuable contribution to make to school with clear procedures in place to develop and support their needs.


Plans are drawn up to address individual needs by class teachers, the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) and Teaching Assistants.


Appropriate assessments, programmes and adjustments are made where required.


Parents are kept informed with regular meetings. We follow the new and updated SEND code of practice and believe strongly that our Special Needs system is a tool for actively raising attainment wherever possible.


Teaching Assistants work across the school in various ways to support the work of the class teachers by working alongside them to prepare and deliver activities which are designed to meet the children’s individual needs. It is our school policy to regard every child as a unique and important individual who must be encouraged to learn in his or her own way and to reach their full potential at their own pace. In our school we have children with a variety of special needs. Some may have difficulty with academic studies, others may have physical needs. Occasionally children need help and support with their behaviour or with integrating socially with their peers. In all cases we take our role of helping, supporting and including these children very seriously.


If your child does need to be placed on the special needs register we will endeavour to contact you and ‘put you in the picture’. You will also be invited to any review meetings that we have about your child. We believe that all our children should be valued equally and encouraged to have a positive self-image. From time to time many children will encounter difficulties in their schoolwork and in order to help these children in the best possible way we have a Special Needs Policy (please see policies section), which caters for all children and ensures that any work they do is matched to their needs. Children are continually assessed and changes made to their individual/group programmes where necessary, in accordance with the SEN Code of Practice. 


We are firmly committed to raising the attainment of all our children from the least to the most able.


Where necessary an Educational Psychologist may be asked to evaluate a child’s needs with a view to guiding and supporting home and school in addressing them.


Other specialist agencies may also be involved in this process.


Our School SENCO is Mrs C Smith, who can be contacted via the school office.


The Kimberley Family of Schools has a Family SENCO who helps to support schools with their provision and assessment of need and works in partnership with the school.

Useful Links:-

Being the Best That We can Be
