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Larkfields Infant School

(0115) 9137730


Our Safeguarding Team

Our Safeguarding Governor - Nick Johnson -


We work closely with the designated safeguarding at Larkfields Juniors School.

Larkfields Infant School fully recognises its responsibility to protect and support the children in it's care. 


Our Safeguarding policy outlines our safeguarding procedures. This policy contains four main elements.

  • Prevention 
  • Protection (by following agreed procedures, ensuring all staff are trained to respond appropriately to safeguarding concerns) 
  • Support
  • Working with Families


All staff, visitors and contractors are required to pass the necessary checks before they can come on to the school site.


If you have a concern about a child or member of our school staff please contact the designated people in school.


For more information on how to keep your child safe please click on the Parent tab on our websites homepage or on the link below.


EMET Safeguarding Strategy

Being the Best That We can Be
