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Larkfields Infant School

(0115) 9137730

The Governing Body

Welcome to our Governors’ section. 


Larkfields Infant School is part of the East Midlands Education Trust (EMET).  EMET is governed by a Board of Trustees who have overall responsibility for the management and administration of the MAT and the Academies run by the MAT.


East Midlands Education Trust - Trustee Information


Larkfields Infant School also has a Local Governing Body (LGB) who are delegated certain roles, responsibilities and decision making powers relating to Larkfields Infant School from the EMET board through the scheme of delegation with regards to the running of Larkfields Infant School. Larkfields LGB report back and are accountable to the EMET Trustees through the minutes of meetings. 


The key areas that have been delegated to the Larkfields LGB are: -


  • To advise the Trustees on strategic issues relating to the Academy including consulting with the Trustees on the proposed admissions policy;
  • To report to the Trustees both generally and specifically as the Trustees may require;
  • To oversee and control the financial performance of its Academy within the limits specified in the MAT’s Financial Manual including maintaining such records as the Trustees may require and advising the Trustees generally on financial issues;
  • To determine such policies as the MAT may delegate to the LGB and to advise the MAT on all other policies;
  • To have the general oversight of the Academy’s activities including monitoring and evaluating the standards and performance of the Academy and the application of designated funding such as the Pupil Premium.


Our LGB is made up of members of the local and school community, all acting on a voluntary basis. We have a mixture of parent and staff governors as well as members who have been co-opted from the local community.  Each member brings a different perspective and set of skills to the governing body.  


The role of the Local Governing Body is not to manage the school on a day-to-day basis – that responsibility belongs with the Head Teacher. The Governing Body take a more strategic view based on the three core values listed below.


  1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  2. Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; 
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.


To do this we set up a strategic framework for the school, setting its aims and objectives, setting policies and targets for achieving the objectives, reviewing progress and reviewing the strategic framework in the light of progress. We work closely with the Head Teacher, providing advice and support, but also constructive challenge to the school as necessary.


    When a school is inspected by Ofsted, its governing body will be required to provide evidence that governors are fulfilling these three core functions alongside the Trustees of the Trust.  

    Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

    Larkfields has a very active Governing Body involved in all areas of school life. The Full Governing Body meets twice a term to manage finance, health and safety, pupil, personnel and curriculum issues. The Governing Body also regularly monitors the progress pupils are making and the progress the school is making with regard to its school improvement priorities. Membership of this important body includes elected parents and teacher representatives as well as members co-opted by the Governing Body and those nominated by the Local Authority. This ensures the Governing Body has the full range of necessary skills.


    Ex-Officio Staff Governor

    Mrs Nichola Irwin (Head Teacher) - Appointed 20.04.20


    Staff Representatives

    Mrs Helena Tooth - Appointed 24.11.21 - Term End 23.11.25


    Parent Representatives

    Mr George Marshall - appointed 31.01.24 - Term End 30.01.28



    Co-opted Representatives

    Miss Sarah Baryayanga - appointed 31.01.24 - Term End 30.01.28

    Miss Carly Allen - appointed 31.01.24 - Term End 30.01.28

    Cllr Philip Owen – re-appointed 07.05.23 -Term End 06.05.27 

    Mrs Janet Wilson - re-appointed 07.05.23 -Term End 06.05.27

    Miss Laura Radford - (Vice Chair) appointed 27.01.22 - Term End 26.01.26

    Mr Nick Johnson - (Chair) - appointed 29.03.23 - Term End 28.03.27



    The following Governors stepped down during the last 12 months:

    Mr James Quested - 22.12.23

    Mr Benjamin Harrison - 23.05.23

    Mrs Nicole Clarke - 12.07.23

    Mrs Linda Braithwaite - 12.07.23

    Mr Mathew Theakstone - 24.06.24


    Contacting the Governing Body

    Chair of Governors- Mr Nick Johnson 


    Larkfields Infant School 

    Coronation Road



    NG16 1EP


    Governor Attendance

    Trust Governance

    The Full Trust Board meet six times per academic year. They also have specific committees or named trustees’ meetings to deal with issues such as finance, audit, education and standards, strategic development, pay, performance & HR.

    In addition, the majority of our schools have their own local governing body, accountable to the Trustees, whilst retaining a considerable amount of delegated authority to make decisions affecting the day to day running of their school.



    East Midlands Education Trust 

    Larkfields Infant School is a member of the East Midlands Education Trust - The Scheme of Delegation and the Supplementary Funding Agreement can be found here:

    Being the Best That We can Be
