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Larkfields Infant School

(0115) 9137730

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Read about all the wonderful things we do at Larkfield Infant School.

  • Newsletter

    Thu 05 Sep 2019 Mrs Irwin

    Dear Parents and Carers,

    I’d like to welcome you all back to school after the summer break and a special welcome to our new children and families into the Larkfields community. Mrs Wilmott will be joining us this year in Year Two and we welcome back Miss Bamford after her Maternity leave.

    Our New Website

    We are in the process of updating our website and adding content to it. The school diary dates have been added into the calendar on the site and it is now full of lots of information. The website will be updated regularly so please take a look.


    Parent Information Meetings

    • Year 1 – Kingfishers and Woodpeckers

    Mrs May and Mrs Taylor would like to invite you to an information meeting at 3.00pm on Thursday, 12th September. This meeting will explain the differences that your child will experience compared to their previous class, outline new routines and set the expectations that we have of both the children and yourselves.


    • Year 2 – Swifts and Swallows

    Mrs Bear and Mrs Wilmott would like to invite you to an information meeting at 3.00pm on Tuesday, 10th September. This meeting will explain the differences that your child will experience compared to their previous class, outline new routines and set the expectations that we have of both the children and yourselves.

    If you are unable to attend these meetings, grandparents/ other carers are welcome to join us or alternatively, please speak to your child’s class teacher.




    We have several pupils in school who have a severe allergy, the majority of whom are allergic to nuts, so please may I remind you that we do not allow nuts of any description in school.


    New parents please note that one of our Year 2 children has many allergies but suffers a severe reaction to eggs. Due to the severity of his condition eggs are banned from lunch boxes, whether they be in the form of a hard-boiled egg or as a sandwich filling. I would also like to re-appeal to the parents of all Year 2 pupils, both Swifts and Swallows, and request that if your child has eggs for breakfast, then please would you ensure that they brush their teeth after they have eaten. I am confident that you will abide by these rules in order to support this child and help the school to keep him safe.


    If parents of any of our new children have not yet advised us of their child’s allergy, please would you do so as a matter of urgency. Thank you!


    Drop off and Pick up

    Just a few reminders about systems and procedures for dropping your child off and picking them up from school:-

    • Woodpeckers (Year 1 –Mrs May)please drop your child off at the Year 1 entrance in the morning but pick them up from the main school entrance at 3.30pm.
    • If you have two or more children in school, we will send the oldest sibling/s to the youngest sibling’s class at the end of the school day so that you may pick them up from the same place. If it is easier, it is absolutely fine for the children to be dropped off at the youngest sibling’s class entrance in the morning.
    • If you have arranged for your child to be picked up by somebody else, even if it is another parent known to the school, please advise the class teacher or the office. If we do not receive a specific instruction, we will not release your child until we have contacted you for confirmation of the arrangement.


    If your child is going to be absent due to illness, please contact the office at the earliest opportunity; the office is manned from 7.30am onwards. If your child is absent and we have not been advised of this, you will receive a phone call from the office between 9.00am and 9.30am enquiring as to why they are not in school. If we are not able to contact you, their absence will be marked in the register as unauthorised.


    Labelling all school items

    Please can I remind you to clearly label all school clothing and lunchboxes. This ensures that we are able to find the right owner of any missing items.


    Thank you for your support,



    Nichola Irwin



Being the Best That We can Be
